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tanMiddleEast – straight to the Middle East with our international road transport

You can save a great deal of time and money with our tanMiddleEast system for west-to-east road transportation. Trucks require less time than ships, which have to pass through the Red Sea or the Persian Gulf. And since there is no need for the transhipment of goods in different ports, pre- and post-distribution can be speeded up considerably.

Working with tan logistics' long-term partners, we are on site to ensure that your order is dealt with efficiently.

tanMiddleEast brings the following Near Eastern countries within easy reach: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi-Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates.

tanMiddleEast in detail

  • Daily departures to the Near East
  • Journey times 13 - 15 days
  • Warehousing logistics available in Turkey (optional)
  • tanmultimodal optional