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tanthermo – transportation of temperature-sensitive products

tanthermo is our transport system for your temperature-sensitive goods. This system comprises the use of powerful refrigerated, deep-freeze and controlled-atmosphere vehicles and the employment of drivers who are specialists in refrigerated haulage. With tanthermo, we organise and coordinate the transportation of temperature-sensitive products in four categories:

  • Goods with temperatures between -20°C and +30°C
  • Deep-frozen goods with temperatures between -20 and 0°
  • Refrigerated goods between +1 and +7/+9°C
  • Goods with temperatures between +10 and +30°C

To ensure compliance with consumer protection directives, we make sure that the refrigeration chain for perishable, fresh and frozen goods is not interrupted during transportation or storage. We base our so-called cold chain management on the following standards:

  • The international standards of the FAO/WHO (Codex Alimentarius)
  • The terms and conditions of the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs (ATP)*
  • The regulations and directives pertaining to Good Distribution Practice (GDP), the HACCP system** and the German Regulation on the Hygiene of Foodstuffs (LMHV).

tanthermo in detail

  • Product-optimised transportation and warehousing logistics with controlled temperature and atmosphere
  • Payload 24 t instead of 25 t
  • 33 instead of 34 euro pallets

*Accord relatif aux transports internationaux de denrées périssables et aux engins spéciaux à utiliser pour ces transports.
**HACCP is the abbreviation for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points – with this system prevention through process control has priority over control at the end of the supply chain.